08 enero 2015

Pull & Bear OpenDay (Summer 2015)


Pull and Bear OpenDay PressDay Summer 2015 collection
Buenos días!!

Hace unos días estuvimos en el Open Day de Pull and Bear y al salir nuestro pensamiento era... ¿Cuánto falta para el próximo verano?

Y es que no hay mejor sitio que un estudio de fotografía para montar un gran press day, espacios muy amplios, paredes blancas, techos altos... Con razón nos encontrábamos como en casa!!

Con la emoción del sitio no os hemos contado nada de la colección (!!que cabeza!!), la verdad es que será muy dificil que no os queráis llevar casi toda la colección, con esos guiños al oeste americano, sus cactus, sus kimonos con flecos... y ese trench amarillo del que todos los que pasamoso por el pressday nos enamoramos. 

Some weeks ago we attended the Pull & Bear Open Day, and just when we were crossing the door our only thought was: how long do we need to wait for next summer? The western-looking pieces, those cactus, the fringed kimonos and that yellow trench that turned to be the masterpiece of the collection... The collection was so cool, but let´s be honest and admit that when a collection is as well presented as this one, it´s easier to love it.  The location was as perfect as possible: a photography studio, hugely spacious, with natural white and with crispy white floors and walls covered smartly with awesome carpets... Thoughts? 

Pull and Bear OpenDay PressDay Summer 2015 collection
Pull and Bear OpenDay PressDay Summer 2015 collection
Pull and Bear OpenDay PressDay Summer 2015 collection
Pull and Bear OpenDay PressDay Summer 2015 collection
Pull and Bear OpenDay PressDay Summer 2015 collection
Pull and Bear OpenDay PressDay Summer 2015 collection
Pull and Bear OpenDay PressDay Summer 2015 collection
Pull and Bear OpenDay PressDay Summer 2015 collection
Pull and Bear OpenDay PressDay Summer 2015 collection
Pull and Bear OpenDay PressDay Summer 2015 collection
Pull and Bear OpenDay PressDay Summer 2015 collection
Pull and Bear OpenDay PressDay Summer 2015 collection
Pull and Bear OpenDay PressDay Summer 2015 collection

Un saludo,
Mario de la Renta

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