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Buenos días!!!
Desde mi más tierna adolescencia siempre deseé tener unas Doctor Martins... no sé, el típico momento rebelde de los 15 años en el que necesitas demostrar al mundo que tú también eres una "chica dura". Obviamente, fue imposible convencer a mis padres, así que aquí me veis un cerro de años más tarde (la verdad es que me avergüenzo de pensar cuántos años han pasado) comprándome mis primeras ranger boots.
¿Será que vuelvo a pasar por una especie de adolescencia en el que tengo que volver a demostrar algo?, ¿quién sabe? La cuestión es que sé que este otoño me vais a ver con ellas bastante más de la cuenta... si he tenido que esperar tantos años para tenerlas, imaginaos lo difícil que me va a resultar quitármelas!!!
Since I was a teenager I´ve always dreamt about having my own pair of Doctor Martins... you know, it´s the moment to show the world that you are a sort of "tough girl". Obviously it was impossible to convince my parents about that so it took me something like a thousand years (better to keep the secret of how many) to buy my first ranger boots. Am I going through a second teenage years?, do I need to show something to the world at this stage? Perhaps... anyway you´ll see me wearing them more than once or twice during this fall, you´re warned ;)
Since I was a teenager I´ve always dreamt about having my own pair of Doctor Martins... you know, it´s the moment to show the world that you are a sort of "tough girl". Obviously it was impossible to convince my parents about that so it took me something like a thousand years (better to keep the secret of how many) to buy my first ranger boots. Am I going through a second teenage years?, do I need to show something to the world at this stage? Perhaps... anyway you´ll see me wearing them more than once or twice during this fall, you´re warned ;)
Un saludo,
Mario de la Renta
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