Buenos días!!!
Llevaba ya bastante tiempo pensando en incorporar una perfecto a mi armario... y por fin ha llegado el momento.
Reconozco que al principio me costaba verme (y mucho), pero conforme me la he ido poniendo me voy viendo menos "disfrazado". Supongo que se trata de educar un poquito a la vista (y también a la mente) con esos looks nada habituales... pero que sin embargo, cuando los ves en otras personas te encantan.
Pues aquí estoy... Mode rock on!!
Perfecto jackets are the type of pieces that whenever I see them on other guy I love them so much, but that anytime that I´ve tried them on I found that they were not for me. I must admit that I was beginning to feel tired about the situation: love for others and hate for me. Then, some days ago, I decided that it was the time to purchase one and try to look at me from a different point of view, and it seem that it´s worked because since that moment, I´m feeling good with it... Mode rock on!!!
/ Perfecto Jacket: Zara Men / T-Shirt: Primark / Jeans: HyM Men /
/ Shoes: Fosco / Sunnies: Woodys Barcelona /
Un saludo,
Mario de la Renta
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